I wish this was the post where I joyfully share the news that Warpworld Volume 4 is with an editor and we are hard at work on the next installment. This is not that post.
Instead, this is the post where I thank all you readers for your patience as we continue to make Seg and Ama’s next adventure as perfect as possible. So…thank you.
2015 was a difficult year. As some of you may know, my sister and my father died within six weeks of each other. I spent a good portion of this year traveling back and forth between Nelson and Vancouver for hospital visits, and then another good portion between Nelson and Vancouver Island to deal with The Arrangements. At the end of September, I also moved from Nelson to Campbell River, BC, which was another massive upheaval.
You may have noticed that this blog has been quiet. With a dearth of writing time, I chose to focus on the current Warpworld manuscript and let this space sit and rest. The Comms likely won’t get much busier for a few more months but if anything thrilling happens you can be sure I’ll let you know.
Through all this, Josh and I have maintained as much of a routine as was humanly possible. And here I stop to thank my co-author for his patience and support.
Thanks, Josh, you’re the best.
There is some good news, though. We do have a shadow story for Ghost World that will be coming out in early 2016. If you’re curious about the Place of Others and want to know how everyone got there and how Mother seized power, you’re going to love this one!
And if you’re looking for something to read while you wait for us to finish volume 4, I have some suggestions.
Fire With Fire, by Charles E. Gannon is an edge-of-your-seat SF political thriller. Twists and turns abound and there’s no shortage of adventure and intrigue…and aliens.
For fans of the strange, Heart of Veridon, by Tim Akers will surely please. I’m not sure I would call this strictly steam punk but it’s got that vibe and then some. (This is not a new book but it was new to me.)
If you like your SF hard, climate change focused, and mixed in with action and demon polar bears, then definitely check out Reversal by Jennifer Ellis (this book is part of the Apocalypse Weird universe). Jennifer also has a YA series for the science-loving young folks in your family this holiday season…hint hint!
Noir SFF lovers must read The Ultra Thin Man by Patrick Swenson (I hear the sequel is in progress!). Most unexpected plot twist ever, in this author’s humble opinion.
I have not yet read Updraft by Fran Wilde but I’ve heard great things about, it and it’s next on my list. If you beat me to it, NO SPOILERS!
Finally, I will be attending and presenting at the Creative Ink Festival in 2016. This is going to be a kick-ass event and I’m stoked about the Real Life Superwomen panel I’ll be on with Lisa Gemino, Setsu Uzume, Sandra Wickham, and JM Landels. Read the description and tell me this isn’t going to be the coolest discussion ever…
What do you get when you put an MMA fighter, a pro fitness competitor, a mounted combat expert, a warrior poet and a stuntwoman together on one panel? A rousing discussion about the realities of being a “strong woman” and how that compares with their portrayal in fiction. Join authors Lisa Gemino, Sandra Wickham, JM Landels, Setsu Uzume and Kristene Perron as they KAPOW the stereotypes and share the truth about the lives of superwomen.
You do not want to miss that!
Thanks again for the patience everyone. Here’s hoping for a 2016 that is joyful, and only chaotic on the written page.
Blood for water
~ Kristene