Poking my head in here for a quick status update.
The good news is, the manuscript for the fourth book in the Warpworld series is 100% complete! The less-good news is that we still have all those niggly details to take care of, like designing a cover, and formatting the manuscript for print and ebook. But, rest assured, very patient readers, we are hard at work and this past-due installment of Seg and Ama’s saga is this ** close to being out in the world.
Oh, and you can expect some other good news and goodies once we are finally ready to launch. See? We can be nice! (Well, Josh can. I’m still working on it.)
In case you missed our Facebook post, we shared a little teaser from our upcoming cover. Digital artist Islam Farid created a cool, Storm-blasted compass for us and then created this awesome before-and-after animation.
I also want to offer up a big round of thanks for all our guest bloggers who contributed to the latest series, On Loss. Those were some raw, inspirational, heartbreaking, and funny true tales. It took a lot of courage to share some of those personal stories with the world. Thank you all.
Okay, I’d better get back to work before Josh notices I disappeared. Thanks again for your patience. The waiting is almost over!
Blood for water