What in the (Warped) World Are You Reading? Adrian Barnes

I had no idea when we started this Q&A series that dog-earing was such a contentious issue! Perhaps technology, in the form of e-readers, will unite these opposing camps? Isn’t science wonderful?

Today we welcome author Adrian Barnes, freshly returned from his book launch in the UK. (Do they dog-ear in London, I wonder?)

The Qwillery: Interview with Adrian Barnes, author of NodAdrian Barnes is the author of the novel NOD, published by BlueMoose Books. He is also a partner in Lone Sheep Publishing and teaches English and Creative Writing at Selkirk College in Castlegar, BC.

Q: What are you reading right now?

A: Longitude, by Dava Sorel–the true story of how a working class Yorkshireman discovered how to reliably calculate longitudinal positions for ships at sea in the 18th century. Also, Pig Iron by Benjamin Myers–a novel about a young ‘traveller’ or British gypsy and his struggles to escape his past. Just got back from England so it’s all Brit Lit right now…

Q: As a kid, why did you love reading?

A: My mom put me in the Dr. Seuss book of the month club and I felt important when the books got delivered! End of story.

Q: Are there any books that changed your life?

A: Rainer Rilke’s Selected Poetry as translated by Stephen Mitchell. Also The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts.

Q: Dog ear-er or non dog-ear-er?

A: Woof!

Q: Your favourite fictional hero and/or villain?

A: Holden Caulfield. Hamlet. Both are anti-heroes. I’m not big on villains…just don’t see life in that way.

Q: Anything else you want to say about reading?

Although ‘watching’ is now ascendant in society and I’m a movie lover myself, reading is far more important and far more beneficial to the brain and the soul. In the same way, just because we have cars, that doesn’t mean we don’t need to still go for regular hikes and runs! And when you’re old and grey will you remember the drive to the mall or the hikes and runs? Hmm…

Thanks Adrian! And that makes two authors whose love of reading was sparked by Dr. Seuss. Start with Seuss and…oh, the places you’ll go!

Tomorrow: Claude Lalumière

About JoKri Publishing

Warpworld is a five-book adventure sci-fi series from JoKri Publishing. Visit us at warpworld.ca

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