We’re at the end of our week-long author Q&A series for the National Reading Campaign. (Well, almost. Tune in tomorrow for one more special author!) All of our guest authors have talked about the joy of reading as a child. Whether it was the feeling of importance from seeing gold stars on a board, or receiving a monthly Dr. Seuss book, or from the delightful feeling of escaping into exotic and strange lands such as the World of Og, reading was a joyful experience.
If you’re a parent, how do you encourage your kids to read? If you’re a teacher, how do you keep reading fun? And how can we all make sure that future generations continue to experience the simple but profound joy of reading?
Hear what People for Education have to say on reading.
Today’s author, Michael F Stewart, introduced me to the National Reading Campaign and was one of many authors who offered me a very warm welcome when I was recently accepted as a member of SF Canada. Thanks Michael!

Michael F Stewart
After crewing ships in the Antarctic and the Baltic Sea and some fun in venture capital, Michael anchored himself (happily) to a marriage and a boatload of kids. Now he injects his adventurous spirit into his writing with brief respites for research into the jungles of Sumatra and Guatemala, the ruins of Egypt and Tik’al, paddling the Zambezi and diving whatever cave or ocean reef will have him. He is the author of 24 Bones, The Sand Dragon, Hurakan, Ruination and several award winning graphic novels for young adults.
Q: What are you reading right now?
A: The Dead of Winter by Lee Collins—A monster hunter / Western.
Q: As a kid, why did you love reading?
A: I lost myself in fantasy. Who wouldn’t want to be transported to Middle Earth rather than my dusty suburb?
Q: Are there any books that changed your life?
Books in general changed my life. I’m a writer
Q: Dog ear-er or non dog-ear-er?
A: Dog ear-er. I’ve ruined so many iPads that way. 😉
Q: Your favourite fictional hero and/or villain?
A: Hero: Bat Man. I love the vigilante or anti-hero.
Villain: Hannibal.
Q: Anything else you want to say about reading?
A: Reading is a contract. I’ll suspend disbelief if the author agrees to take me on an adventure I could never otherwise go on. There’s no other medium like it. Nothing so immersive. Let’s ensure everyone has the chance to discover it.
Agreed! Come back tomorrow for one final mystery guest.
Thanks, Kristene, what a fun idea. Thanks for having me!
You are very welcome! It’s been fun getting to know the reading habits of my fellow scribblers. (Jennifer Craig gifted me with 3 bookmarks in an attempt to curb my dog-ear-ing ways!). Here’s to reading!