Spring is here and the annual author migration from dark writing cave to fun-filled festival has begun!
Yes, once again I will be making the trek to the big city to take part in the amazing Creative Ink Festival in beautiful Burnaby, BC, Canada. If you didn’t make it to the sneak preview last year, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! There, there, you can still catch all the fun this year. Writers, readers, and artists, you do not want to miss this event. If nothing else, you will have the opportunity to watch me and a panel of lovable goofballs make up crazy stories with the help of audience suggestions on the Improv Storytelling panel–worth the cost of membership all on its own.
To learn more about the festival, here’s an interview with its creator Sandra Wickham, and here’s more words about the Real Life Superwomen panel, which is the kick-assiest panel I’ve ever had the privilege to sit on.
And here’s when and where to find me May 6-8, 2016…
Saturday May 7
1pm – Presentation: Creative Coupling on the Page
Sunday May 8
12pm – Panel: Improv Storytelling
1pm – Panel: Real Life Superwomen
2pm – Panel: Imposter Syndrome
As you can see, you’ll want to stick around right to the end on Sunday! I will also be manning the co-op author table at some point, where you can buy copies of Warpworld for all your friends, harass one half of the authors about when the fourth book will be out, and maybe even indulge in some free chocolate. As usual, look for the goofy grin, it’s hard to miss.
That’s the when and where, now here’s the what…
Creative Coupling on the Page with Kristene Perron
Kristene Perron, co-author of the award-winning Warpworld series, discusses the ups and downs of artistic collaboration for writers. She’ll take you behind the scenes of plotting, writing, editing and publishing novels with a partner (or partners) and explain how to keep the creative fire burning between friends without getting burned.
Imposter Syndrome (and the benefits of being terrified)
Lisa Voisin (M), Galen Dara, Aviva Bel’Harold, Rachel Greenway, Kristene Perron
If you’ve ever felt like you’re not good enough to create art, that you’re just playing at being talented, then you’ve experienced Imposter Syndrome. Join panelists as they discuss why it happens, what you can do about it and how to make it work for you, not against you.
Improv Storytelling
Kristene Perron (M), Adam Dreece, TG Shepherd, Mark Teppo, Bevan Thomas
Audience members participate in this live, improvised story time by submitting words for the panelists to incorporate into their on the spot tales. Panelists will tell a story, round robin style, using the audience suggestions. No one knows what will happen, though laughter is guaranteed!
Real Life Superwomen
Kristene Perron (M) Lisa Gemino, Sandra Wickham, JM Landels, Setsu Uzume
What do you get when you put an MMA fighter, a pro fitness competitor, a mounted combat expert, a warrior poet and a stuntwoman together on one panel? A rousing discussion about the realities of being a “strong woman” and how that compares with their portrayal in fiction. Join authors Lisa Gemino, Sandra Wickham, JM Landels, Setsu Uzume and Kristene Perron as they KAPOW the stereotypes and share the truth about the lives of superwomen.
There are so many other fantastic presentations and panels, it’s absolutely mind-blowing.
Hope to see you there!
Blood for water,